Vegetable proteins, derived from legumes, dried fruits and vegetables: protein concentrates and healthy energy thanks to the strength of grinding

With regards to protein-based fluors, STM Microtec provides systems for ultrafine grinding and subsequent classification that allow to obtain fractions whose protein content is considerably higher than the starting material. For the production of these special flours, rich in proteins and starch, grinding and separation are the basis of any shifting of the nutrient fraction.

Among the several grinding technologies, STM Microtec’s grinding and classification systems stand out from adjusting the grinding parameters in such a way that the flours are ground to the necessary fineness to be then used as a base, for example for the production of veggie burgers, baby food, milk substitute products and food supplements.

In this case, grinding must have a selective fineness target and a process aimed at safeguarding the quality aspects of the product, in order to avoid degradation of proteins and starch particles.

The extreme selectivity of the STM processes provides the best grinding results, with a high concentration of protein powders and the in-line separation of the coarse product low in protein.

Depending on the characteristics of the product and the raw material, STM has different technologies:

  • JCF Series Impact Mills and Air Selector
  • Pin mills MP / MPC series
  • Dynamic classifiers SDF series

STM manages each process, adapting it to the raw material; maximizing the extraction and release of proteins, improving their concentration, with a milling effect that preserves starches.